welcome to my new blog home!
after twelve-too-many disappearing blog posts on myspace, i've decided to venture over here to blogger. i've toyed with the idea for awhile now, but to be honest, it's a bit intimidating on two counts. number one: all my friends on blogger are way cooler and wittier than i could dream of being these days. number two: the naming of the blog. all of you have such lovely and fitting names for your blog. so dashing. so sexy. so...you. so i thought, whatever will i come up with? but tonight i had an epiphany and sha-zam! a blog was born!
i still remember remember learning the term in medias res. for those of you who don't know, it is a latin term that means in the middle of things. i first learned about it in mr. cappello's sophomore honors english class, back in the day when i was a very good, very promising creative writer. when cappello introduced this idea of in medias res and how so many of the great classical works put this technique into action, my life was changed. i wanted to start every writing assignment in medias res--i loved the idea that the stories we were reading (or writing) had gone on for infinite time before and would continue indefinitely thereafter. we were just getting in on a snapshot--a season in the lives of the characters.
and so i apply the term to this blog in a number of ways. for starters, my blog is already in progress over at myspace. also, in the grander scheme of things, i try to keep the perspective that we are all works in progress. it might not always be cheeky or poetic, but i'll do what i can to share some snapshots from the journey.
"...i am confident of this: that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion in Christ Jesus..."
philippians 1:6